How To Pack Your Quart Size Bag With TSA Approved Liquids (2022)
Why Do I Need To Use A Quart Bag?
According to current Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations, all liquids that are carried into the cabin of the plane must be in a 1-quart bag. It must be a clear plastic bag that you will take out of your carry-on luggage and put in the screening bin while going through the security line. Your containers of liquids must fit in the quart size bag.
How Large is a Quart Size Bag?
A quart is a quarter of a gallon. So, it follows that a quart size bag is one quarter of a gallon size bags. The dimensions can vary, and are approximately 7″ x 8″. It’s really the volume that matters.
What is the TSA 3-1-1 Rule?
According to TSA’s official page, The 3-1-1 Rule states that your liquids must be in 3.4 ounce bottles (100ml) or smaller, that they must be in a 1 quart bag, and you are allowed 1 liquids bag for the carry on screening process.

Is TSA strict about Quart Sized Bags?
The TSA is not particularly strict about the exact dimensions as long is it is in the ballpark. You can use any clear bag that has approximate dimensions of one quart.
Are Ziploc Sandwich Bags Quart Size? What about freezer bags?
Sandwich bags are typically a little smaller than a quart, but if you only have a limited amount of liquids, you could definitely use a zip-top bag for your carry-on toiletries. Freezer bags are fine as well as long as they are clear.
What Is A TSA Approved Quart Size Bags?
TSA does not technically approve bags. What TSA wants is a bag that is the approximate dimension of a quart-size bag and is clear. That means that a ziploc bag from the grocery store works just fine as long as it is not larger than one quart. Otherwise, there are a number of bags you can find on Amazon that are more durable and fit the bill.
Do all your liquids have to fit in a quart size bag?
All the liquids that you plan to carry on do need to be in your quart size bag. Larger amounts of liquids need to be checked and go under the plane.
What are travel-size containers I can use in my quart size bag?
You have two options. First, you can choose to purchase travel-size bottles of your favorite toiletries. Or, you can find refillable bottles that you can just fill up for each trip.

How many Quart bags can I use for airport security?
According to the TSA Liquids Rule, you are allowed only 1 clear bag that has 1-quart capacity.
Do carry on toiletries have to be in clear bottles in my quart size bag?
Carry on toiletries do not have to be in clear bottles, however the container size must be 3oz or less and they must be in a clear, quart-sized bag.
What if I don’t have a quart sized bag?
It can be as simple as a clear plastic sandwich bag. If you plan to carry liquids on a plane, they do need to be in a clear plastic bag that is quart size at it’s biggest.

Do your liquids have to be in a clear bag on the plane?
The bag of liquids that you carry onto the plane must be clear. If you check your luggage, your liquids can be in whatever color bag you want!
Questions About Liquids That Are Allowed/Not Allowed
As of the time of writing (March 2022), the following items need to go in your one-quart bag. It’s always a good idea to check the current TSA regulations at the time you fly. I have included links to the relevant pages below to make it easy for you!
The TSA site has a Can I Bring it Section that is searchable and a great resource. You should always check the official site if you have a question about a certain item.
According to the site, the following does need to go in your liquids bag:
- Deodorant if it is liquid or aerosol. Solid or stick deodorant does not
- Toothpaste is a liquid, unless you decide to bring tablets instead of paste.
- Liquid Make up Remover
- Nail Polish
- Hair gel
- Liquid Foundation
- Hand Sanitizer
- Concealer
- Conditioner
- Contact Lens Solution
- Aerosol Dry Shampoo
- Liquid soap (like body wash)
Items that according to the TSA do not go in your quart size bag
- Makeup wipes, as well as other types of wipes (baby, sanitizing)
- Chapstick
- Bar Soap
Items that can exceed the rule (in reasonable quantities) but must be screened separately
- Breast Milk
- Baby Formula
- Baby Food
Related Question about carry on Items
Can I bring a razor in my carry-on?
It depends on the type of Razor.
We hope you found this blog post on the quart size bag for your carry on travel bag helpful! Please share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

Can you bring more than one quart zip lock bag with 3 oz items ? I can’t fit everything in one quart size bag? RSVP. Nancy
Hi Nancy,
Unfortunately its one bag only. The TSA 3-1-1 rule stands for:
3.4 ounces
1 quart size bag
1 bag per passenger
Which items are causing the issue? There may be ways to downsize them.